Fellowship11/14/2022 There were 30 people on the tour. I'm not really good about meeting people actually. Talia and I would debate all the time on if I was introverted or not. LOL Obviously she was but I claimed I was too. I do not like to be in front of people or the center of attention. Boy did I pick the wrong profession! LOL I've gotten used to it but when I can, I like to be in the back and observe. That's kind of what happened on this tour. Everyone was very friendly. I met 10 Filipino guests on my van ride from the airport to the hotel on the first day. I especially remember Marcel because that was my French name I picked in HS in French Class. It was as close as I could get to Marsalis! LOL
I'm pretty sure I spoke to everyone at least once and had dinner with a few of the people. I've heard rumors that I was the quiet one! LOL Again, everyone was very kind to me. I regret not getting selfies with everyone! I was more focused on the sites and landscape I guess. I did meet Jeff and Sue (which by chance is the name of our bus driver at MSU and his wife) . They let me tag along with them and we sat in that back of the bus. We had many conversations and I really enjoyed getting to know them. I count it a blessing to now have them in my life! At the airport coming home, Tim and Michelle joined us for dinner (terrible place I chose to get my food by the way, praise God I did not get sick). I'll leave it there. We also had a good time of fellowship! I'm very comfortable traveling by myself as I have most of my life, but the companionship was an added bonus and blessing.
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